- “Novel Algorithms for Electromagnetic Analysis and System Design,” Electromagnetics and Optics Seminar, Purdue, Sept. 28, 1994.
- “Electromagnetic System Design Using Genetic Algorithms,” Workshop on Genetic Algorithms in Computer Science and Engineering, December 4-8, Las Palmas, Spain, 1995 (Plenary Lecture)
- “Fast Solvers for Computational Electromagnetics,” Center for Scientific Computing and University of Helsinki, Espoo, Finland, October 3, 1996.
- “Novel Integral Equation Based Algorithms for Electromagnetic Analysis,” Institute for Computer Applications in Science and Engineering (ICASE / NASA (Langley)), March 3, 1997.
- “Novel Integral Equation Based Algorithms for Electromagnetic Analysis,” Electromagnetics Seminar, University of Houston, May 1997.
- “Recent developments in fast-multipole based frequency and time domain solvers”, Mathematical Methods in Electromagnetic Theory 1998 (MMET’98) Symposium, Kharkov, Ukraine, June 2-5, 1998 (Plenary Lecture).
- “Fast Time Domain Integral Equation Solvers for Computational Electromagnetics,” UCLA, Department of Electrical Engineering, November 19, 1998.
- “Fast Time-Domain Integral Equation Methods for Electromagnetic Analysis,” Department of Computer Science, Yale, November 12, 1999.
- “The Multilevel Plane Wave Time Domain Algorithm: Applications in Electromagnetic Scattering and FDTD Grid Truncation,” Courant Institute Mathematics Colloquium, November 22, 1999.
- “Fast algorithms for analyzing electromagnetic transients”, 1999 Boulder URSI Symposium, Boulder, CO., January 5, 1999, (Booker Award / Plenary lecture)
- Genetic Algorithms for Electromagnetic System Design” International Union of Radio Scientists General Assembly, Toronto, Canada, August 16, 1999 (Tutorial / Plenary lecture).
- “The Multilevel Plane Wave Time Domain Algorithm for the Fast Solution of Time Domain Integral Equations and the Rapid Evaluation of FDTD Boundary Kernels,” ESAT, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium, January 5, 2000.
- “Fast integral equation based schemes for analyzing wave transients,“ WAVES2000 (INRIA-SIAM Wave Propagation Conference), Santiago de Compostella, Spain, July 14-18, 2000 (Plenary Lecture)
- “Fast integral equation based schemes for analyzing wave transients,“ Distinguished Speaker Series in High Performance Computation for Engineered Systems (HPCES), Singapore-MIT Alliance, Boston, MA, October 18, 2000.
- Fast integral equation solvers for computational electromagnetics,” Computational Electromagnetics Workshop, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden, December 7, 2000.
- –, Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics, UCLA, Workshop, May 18, 2001
- –, Department of Electronic Engineering, Tel Aviv University, July 4, 2001
- –, Applied Mathematics Colloquium, Department of Applied Mathematics, Caltech, November 19, 2001
- “Plane Wave Time Domain Algorithms: A Review,” London Mathematical Society Durham Symposium on Computational Methods for Wave Propagation in Direct Scattering, June 15, 2002 (three lecture series).
- “Fast Algorithms for Electromagnetic Analysis: A Revolution in Scientific Computing,” Sackler Center for Advanced Studies, Tel Aviv University, November 10, 2002, Tel Aviv, Israel.
- “Plane Wave Time Domain Algorithms: A Review,” (updated presentation), Sackler Center for Advanced Studies, Tel Aviv University, November 25, 2002, Tel Aviv, Israel.
- “Fast Algorithms for Electromagnetic Analysis: A Revolution in Scientific Computing,” Meeting of the Belgian URSI Committee, May 6, 2003, Brussels, Belgium.
- (Fast) Time Domain Integral Equation Solvers,” Workshop on computational electromagnetics (R. Hiptmair, organizer), Mathematishes Forsungsinstitut Oberwolfach, Germany, February 27, 2004 (Invited Review Lecture).
- “A parallel FFT-accelerated field-circuit simulator,” (joint authorship with A. Yilmaz, J. Jin, and A. Cangellaris) Progress in Electromagnetic Research Symposium, Pisa ( Italy), March 29, 2004 (Plenary Lecture)
- “Plane Wave Time Domain Accelerated Integral Equation Solvers”, workshop on “Fast Multipole Method, Tree-Code and Related Approximate Algorithms. Trading Exactness for Efficiency”, Center for Scientific Computation and Mathematical Modeling, University of Maryland, April 19-30 , 2004 .
- “Progress in Plane Wave Time Domain Accelerated Time Domain Integral Equation Solvers”, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications (IMA) 3rd International Conference on Boundary Integral Methods: Theory and Applications, Reading ( UK), September 2004 (Plenary Invited Speaker).
- “Plane Wave Time Domain Accelerated Time Domain Integral Equation Solvers: Multiscale Aspects”, Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics (IPAM) Workshop on Multiscale Geometry in Scientific Computing (Invited Speaker), UCLA, October 19-23, 2004.
- “Fast Time-Domain Integral Equation Solvers for Computational Electromagnetics: A Maturing Technology,” ECCOMAS, Egmont aan Zee, the Netherlands, September 5-8, 2006. (Plenary Lecture).
- “Progress in Time Domain Integral Equation Solvers,” Department of Mathematics, Michigan State University, October 25, 2006.
- “Fast Integral Equation Solvers for Computational Electromagnetics,” Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, UCSD, November 22, 2006.
- “Hierarchical and Calderon Preconditioned Time Domain Integral Equation Solvers,” Workshop on computational electromagnetics (R. Hiptmair, organizer), Mathematishes Forsungsinstitut Oberwolfach, Germany, February 23, 2006.